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Ci init - Initial project and Integrate various code linter

Jan-Tarek Butt requested to merge CI-init into development

This merge request contains following:

  • trainstation: An initial maven project where future written packages and code can be integrated.

  • trainstation/pom.xml: The pom file contains maven configurations and package dependencies. Also a rule for a minimum required Java version 1.8. Files will be UTF-8 encoded.

  • .ci/ Which verifies that all necessary packages are installed. This script will run as a precondition before all other scrips.

  • .ci/ Which checks all java files if there holding the google syntax guideline. The file .ci/java_accepted is a white-list, where you can add messages.

  • .ci/ This Validates all run-time scrips like sh, bash, ash, ksh and so on. The White-list is here .ci/shell_accepted.

  • .ci/ This Validates all xml files, for example the pop.xml. The White-list is here: .ci/xml_accepted.

  • .ci/ This Validates all Yaml files, like .gitlab-ci.yml. The File .ci/yaml_rules.yaml is a configuration file. A White-List is

  • .gitlab-ci.yml: Includes all CI runner stages. You can see a result here:

  • .gitignore contains all files there shouldn't be in the git index like temporal files or customised eclipse configurations.

  • .ci/pre-commit-hook: you can use this script for a pre-commit check. If you set this hook in your git configuration, It take the effect that before all git commit commands the Validation scrips will be executed and shows errors there muss be fixed before you are able to commit a change. To configure that see

  • Contains CI-build and code coverage state for development branch and short howto for enabling git hooks.

Merge request reports