Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 0.9
- 1.0
- 1.1
- 1.1.2
- 1.2
- 1.2.1
- 201701
- 201702
- 201704
- 201705
- 201706
- 201708
- 201710
- 201711
- 201712
- 201802
- 201803
- 201804
- 201807
- 201903
- Tags 20
- rc/20240617
- rc/20230421
- rc/20230409
- rc/20230407
- rc/20220608
- stable/20220608
- rc/20211030
- 20210915
- 20210427
- rc/20210915
- stable/20210915
- rc/20210810
- rc/20210427
- rc/20210103
- stable/20210103
- rc/20201221
- stable/20201221
- 20201207
- 20201128
- rc/20201207
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