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0003-add-pkg-gluon-geolocator.patch 9.31 KiB
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From 886bd0ad1b4d401452e207966e88630c55e2ebd6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jan-Tarek Butt <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 02:41:30 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] add pkg gluon-geolocator

 * add check_site.lua
 * add config geolocator
 * add
 * add cron file
 * add upgrade script for intervall
 * mv to 540-geolocator-settings
 * add 540-geolocator-settings
 * add luaminifyer
 * change check_site.lua
 * rm ffnw spec stuff and add site array to
 * change lua require
 * change lua require 'gluon.site_config' to ''
 * clean up cron file
   - rm unneded semicolon
   - remove the sh
 * use taps and chang val type in check_site.lua
   - set geolocator.autolocation as need_boolean
   - replace spaces with taps
 * replace spaces with taps
 * rm unneeded ;
 * use if/fi instead of {}
 * upgrade script prepare for new site file
 * rm
 * porting from shell to lua code
 * rm .sh file ending
 * fix line endings and write mode
 * set uci getbool fix scan for surrounded wifis
 * rm TODO commend after discussion wiht Neoraider
 * refactoring and spellcheck
   - rm irrelevant else states
   - fix print message for time stamp file
 * fix intervall in 540-geolocator-settings
   - change intervall value from seconds to minutes
 * ensure MAC addreses are filert by uppercase matching
 package/gluon-geolocator/Makefile                  |  36 ++++++
 package/gluon-geolocator/check_site.lua            |   5 +
 .../gluon-geolocator/files/etc/config/geolocator   |   2 +
 .../files/usr/lib/micron.d/geolocator              |   1 +
 .../luasrc/lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator         | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../lib/gluon/upgrade/540-geolocator-settings      |  38 ++++++
 6 files changed, 217 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 package/gluon-geolocator/Makefile
 create mode 100644 package/gluon-geolocator/check_site.lua
 create mode 100644 package/gluon-geolocator/files/etc/config/geolocator
 create mode 100644 package/gluon-geolocator/files/usr/lib/micron.d/geolocator
 create mode 100755 package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator
 create mode 100755 package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/upgrade/540-geolocator-settings

diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/Makefile b/package/gluon-geolocator/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3896ae70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/
+include ../
+define Package/gluon-geolocator
+  SECTION:=gluon
+  CATEGORY:=Gluon
+  TITLE:=Provide the geolocator to receive positions over wifi
+  DEPENDS:=+gluon-node-info +micrond
+define Build/Prepare
+	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Build/Compile
+	$(call GluonSrcDiet,./luasrc,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/luadest/)
+define Package/gluon-geolocator/install
+	$(CP) ./files/* $(1)/
+	$(CP) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/luadest/* $(1)/
+define Package/gluon-geolocator/postinst
+$(call GluonCheckSite,check_site.lua)
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,gluon-geolocator))
diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/check_site.lua b/package/gluon-geolocator/check_site.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3fb49cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/check_site.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+if need_table('geolocator', nil, false) then
+	need_boolean('geolocator.autolocation', false)
+	need_number('geolocator.interval', false)
+	need_string_array_match('geolocator.blacklist', '^%w+:%w+:%w+:%w+:%w+:%w+$', false)
diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/files/etc/config/geolocator b/package/gluon-geolocator/files/etc/config/geolocator
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aed88cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/files/etc/config/geolocator
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+config geolocator 'settings'
+	option static_location '0'
diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/files/usr/lib/micron.d/geolocator b/package/gluon-geolocator/files/usr/lib/micron.d/geolocator
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7379b730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/files/usr/lib/micron.d/geolocator
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*/5 * * * *     /lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator
diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator b/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..1a08ccf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/geolocator/geolocator
+local uci = require('simple-uci').cursor()
+local json = require ("luci.jsonc")
+local LOC="gluon-node-info"
+local GLC="geolocator"
+if not uci:get_bool(GLC, "settings", "auto_location") then
+	os.exit(0)
+-- PID file to ensure the geolocator isn't running parallel
+local PID_PART="/var/run/"
+local TIME_STAMP="/tmp/geolocator_timestamp"
+local function file_exsist(file)
+	return, "r") ~= nil
+if file_exsist(PID_PART) then
+	io.stdout:write("The geolocator is still running.\n")
+	os.exit(0)
+if, "w") == nil then
+	io.stdout:write("Can`t create pid file on " .. PID_PART .. "\n")
+	os.exit(1)
+-- Program terminating function including removing of PID file
+local function exit(exc)
+	if file_exsist(PID_PART) then
+		os.remove(PID_PART)
+	end
+local function table_contains(tbl, prefix)
+	for _, entry in ipairs(tbl) do
+		if entry:match(prefix) then
+			return true
+		end
+	end
+	return false
+local function getWifiifnames()
+	local ifnames = {}
+	uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-iface',
+		function(s)
+			local ifname = uci:get('wireless', s['.name'], 'ifname')
+			if (ifname ~= nil) then
+				table.insert(ifnames, ifname)
+			end
+		end
+	)
+	return ifnames
+-- Get position
+local function Get_geolocation_info()
+	-- Get list of BSSID there should ignored
+	local blacklist_bssid = { }
+	for _, bl_bssid in ipairs(uci:get(GLC, "settings", "blacklist")) do
+		-- Ensure rm colons and uppercase
+		table.insert(blacklist_bssid,string.upper(bl_bssid):gsub(":", ""))
+	end
+	local scaned_bssid = ""
+	local uniq = { }
+	for _, ifname in ipairs(getWifiifnames()) do
+		local api = iwinfo.type(ifname)
+		if api then
+			local iw = iwinfo[api]
+			-- Get list of BSSID without blacklisted and redundancy entrys.
+			for _, net in ipairs(iw.scanlist(ifname) or { }) do
+				-- Ensure rm colons and uppercase
+				net.bssid = string.upper(net.bssid:gsub(":", ""))
+				if not uniq[net.bssid] and not table_contains(blacklist_bssid, net.bssid) then
+					scaned_bssid  = scaned_bssid .. "," .. net.bssid
+					uniq[net.bssid] = true
+				end
+			end
+			if #scaned_bssid < 12 then
+				io.stdout:write("No surrounded BSSIDs found.\n")
+				return { }
+			end
+			scaned_bssid = scaned_bssid:gsub("^,(.-),*", "%1")
+		end
+	end
+	-- Request position
+	local req = io.popen("wget -T 15 -q -O -" .. scaned_bssid)
+	if not req then
+		io.stdout:write("connection failed.\n")
+		return { }
+	end
+	local jreq, _, err = json.parse(req:read("*a"), 1, nil)
+	req:close()
+	if err or jreq == nil or jreq.lon == nil or == nil then
+		io.stdout:write(" doesn't gif a location.\n")
+		return { }
+	end
+	return jreq
+end -- end Get_geolocation_info()
+-- Check if interval over or not exist
+if file_exsist(TIME_STAMP) then
+	if os.time() - tonumber("*a")) < uci:get(GLC, "settings", "refresh_interval") * 60 then
+		exit(0)
+	end
+local pos = Get_geolocation_info()
+if not next(pos) then
+	exit(1)
+if not uci:get_bool(GLC, "settings", "static_location") then
+	uci:set(LOC, uci:get_first(LOC, 'location'), 'latitude',
+	uci:set(LOC, uci:get_first(LOC, 'location'), 'longitude', pos.lon)
+	uci:save(LOC)
+	uci:commit(LOC)
+local timestap =, "w")
+if timestap ~= nil then
+	timestap:write(os.time())
+	timestap:close()
+	exit(0)
+io.stdout:write("Can`t create file on " .. TIME_STAMP .. "\n")
diff --git a/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/upgrade/540-geolocator-settings b/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/upgrade/540-geolocator-settings
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6f17e8c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package/gluon-geolocator/luasrc/lib/gluon/upgrade/540-geolocator-settings
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+local site = require 'gluon.site_config'
+local uci = require('simple-uci').cursor()
+local config = 'geolocator'
+local static_location = uci:get(config, 'settings', 'static_location')
+local auto_location = uci:get(config, 'settings', 'auto_location')
+if not auto_location then
+  auto_location = 0
+  if site.geolocator.autolocation then
+    auto_location = tonumber(site.geolocator.autolocation)
+  end
+local refresh_interval = uci:get(config, 'settings', 'refresh_interval')
+if not refresh_interval then
+  refresh_interval = 720 -- default: 12h
+  if site.config_mode.location.interval then
+    refresh_interval = site.geolocator.interval
+  end
+local blacklist = {}
+if site.geolocator.blacklist then
+  blacklist = site.geolocator.blacklist
+uci:delete(config, 'settings')
+uci:section(config, config, 'settings', {
+	static_location = static_location,
+	refresh_interval = refresh_interval,
+	auto_location = auto_location,
+	blacklist = blacklist,