# Laravel JsonApi This package is built for the Laravel framework and provides basic classes to help you building a REST API following the json:api standard. ## Laravel compatibility * Laravel 5.3 ## Features * Base controllers * **DocumentResourceController**: * **CollectionResourceController**: * **StoreResourceController**: * *ControllerResourceController*: TODO * **DefaultResourceController**: * **OneToOneResourceController**: * Specification features: * **Pagination** * **Filtering** * **Includes** * *Sorting: TODO* * Web Service Maturity * **HATEOAS**: * Validation: * **Request body validation** ## Manual Please follow the [manual](doc/index.md). ## Resources * REST API Design Rulebook (Mark Masse) # Contributing ## Submitting patches Patches can be submitted using the Merge-Request link of our gitlab. ## Mailinglist https://lists.ffnw.de/mailman/listinfo/netmon-dev # License See [License](LICENSE.txt)