#!/bin/bash # get location of executed file. EXECDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" # global list of gluon targets TARGET_LIST=() help_print(){ echo "Usage: $0 <command>" echo "command:" echo " patch Apply patches on gluon build ENV" echo " clean_patches Remove applied patches from gluon repo" echo " update_patches Create patches from local gluon commits" echo " prepare <command>" echo " GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH <str> Set ENV variable" echo " GLUON_RELEASE <str> Set ENV variable" # echo " fastd Prepare site repo for fastd build" echo " l2tp prepare site repo for l2tp build" echo " BROKEN y or n (default n)" echo " build <target> targets provided by gluon" echo " target_list build all gluon targets" echo " all build all gluon targets for each VPN" echo " (optional) add \"fast\" as a parameter to build on multicore" echo " (optional) add \"silent\" as a parameter to avoid loads of output" echo " clean <target> targets provided by gluon" echo " all clean all targets" echo " (optional) add \"fast\" as a parameter to clean on multicore" echo " create_manifest create manifest" echo } patch_gluon() { if ! [ -f "$EXECDIR/.patched" ]; then if [ "$(find "$EXECDIR"/gluon_patches/*.patch 2> /dev/null | wc -l)" -ge 1 ]; then local base="$EXECDIR" cd "$EXECDIR"/.. || exit 1 for patch in "$EXECDIR"/gluon_patches/*.patch; do git am --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace "$patch" done cd "$base" || exit 1 else echo "No patches found" fi touch "$EXECDIR/.patched" else echo "gluon is already patched!" echo "Please run clean_patches first to reset gluon git repo" fi } clean_patches(){ if [ -f "$EXECDIR/.patched" ]; then local base="$EXECDIR" cd "$EXECDIR"/.. || exit 1 git reset --hard "origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" cd "$EXECDIR" || exit 1 rm "$EXECDIR/.patched" else echo "gluon is not patched" fi } update_patches() { local base="$EXECDIR" cd "$EXECDIR"/.. || exit 1 git format-patch "origin/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" -o "$EXECDIR/gluon_patches" cd "$base" || exit 1 } init_prepare(){ local vpn="$1" local file="$2" if ! [ -w "$EXECDIR/$file" ]; then echo "$EXECDIR/$file not exsis or writeable" exit 1 fi echo "prepare $file for $vpn build ..." # ensure reset possible local file changes git checkout "$EXECDIR/$file" } prepare_siteconf(){ local vpn="$1" init_prepare "$vpn" "site.conf" # Start prepare site.conf for build if grep -q "%A" < "$EXECDIR"/site.conf; then sed -i "/^%A$/c\\modules = \\'http://mirror.ffnw.de/modules/$vpn/gluon-%GS-%GR/%S\\'," "$EXECDIR"/site.conf echo "Set opkg modules URL ..." else echo "Placeholder %A not found" fi if grep -q "%B" < "$EXECDIR"/site.conf; then sed -i "/^%B$/c\\\\'http://autoupdate-lede.ffnw/v1/$vpn/stable\\'," "$EXECDIR"/site.conf echo "Set autoupdater stable URL ..." else echo "Placeholder %B not found" fi if grep -q "%C" < "$EXECDIR"/site.conf; then sed -i "/^%C$/c\\\\'http://autoupdate-lede.ffnw/v1/$vpn/rc\\'," "$EXECDIR"/site.conf echo "Set autoupdater rc URL ..." else echo "Placeholder %C not found" fi if grep -q "%D" < "$EXECDIR"/site.conf; then sed -i "/^%D$/c\\\\'http://autoupdate-lede.ffnw/v1/$vpn/testing\\'," "$EXECDIR"/site.conf echo "Set autoupdater testing URL ..." else echo "Placeholder %D not found" fi if grep -q "%E" < "$EXECDIR"/site.conf; then sed -i "/^%E$/c\\\\'http://autoupdate-lede.ffnw/v1/$vpn/nightly/master\\'," "$EXECDIR"/site.conf echo "Set autoupdater nightly_master URL ..." else echo "Placeholder %E not found" fi } prepare_sitemk(){ local vpn="$1" init_prepare "$vpn" "site.mk" # Start prepare site.mk for build if grep -q "%A" < "$EXECDIR"/image-customization.lua; then if [ "$vpn" == "l2tp" ]; then sed -i "/^%A$/c\\\\t'mesh-vpn-tunneldigger'," "$EXECDIR"/image-customization.lua echo "Set mesh-vpn-tunneldigger feature ..." fi if [ "$vpn" == "fastd" ]; then sed -i "/^%A$/c\\\\tweb-mesh-vpn-fastd" "$EXECDIR"/image-customization.lua echo "Set web-mesh-vpn-fastd feature ..." fi else echo "Placeholder %A not found" fi if grep -q "%B" < "$EXECDIR"/site.mk; then sed -i "/^%B$/c\\GLUON_RELEASE ?= $(cat "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_RELEASE")" "$EXECDIR"/site.mk echo "Set GLUON_RELEASE ..." else echo "Placeholder %B not found" fi if grep -q "%C" < "$EXECDIR"/site.mk; then sed -i "/^%C$/c\\GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH ?= $(cat "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH")" "$EXECDIR"/site.mk echo "Set GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH ..." else echo "Placeholder %C not found" fi } gluon_build(){ preflags=( -C "$EXECDIR"/..) midflags=() postflags=(GLUON_TARGET="$1" GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_ENABLED=1 GLUON_IMAGEDIR=output/images/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)"/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)" GLUON_PACKAGEDIR=output/packages/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)") error_build=0 if [ "$2" == "fast" ] && [ -a "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then midflags=("${midflags[@]}" -j $(($(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)+1))) fi if [ "$3" == "silent" ]; then preflags=( --silent "${preflags[@]}") fi; if [ -a "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" ]; then midflags=("${midflags[@]}" BROKEN=1) fi; if ! make "${preflags[@]}" "${midflags[@]}" "${postflags[@]}"; then error_build=1 fi; if [ $error_build -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 fi } gluon_clean(){ preflags=( -C "$EXECDIR"/..) midflags=() postflags=(GLUON_TARGET="$1" GLUON_IMAGEDIR=output/images/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)"/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)" GLUON_PACKAGEDIR=output/packages/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)") if [ "$2" == "fast" ] && [ -a "/proc/cpuinfo" ]; then midflags=("${midflags[@]}" -j $(($(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)+1))) fi if [ -a "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" ]; then midflags=("${midflags[@]}" BROKEN=1) fi make "${preflags[@]}" "${midflags[@]}" "${postflags[@]}" clean } prepare_precondition(){ if ! [ -s "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH" ]; then echo "please run '$0 prepare GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH' first" exit 1 fi if ! [ -s "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_RELEASE" ]; then echo "please run '$0 prepare GLUON_RELEASE' first" exit 1 fi } get_target_list(){ while read -r line; do if [[ $line == *GluonTarget* ]]; then # extract arcitecture parameter value local targ targ="$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/^.*GluonTarget,//' -e 's/)).*//' -r -e 's/([^,]+,[^,]*).*/\1/' -e 's/[,]/-/')" if [ -n "$targ" ]; then TARGET_LIST[${#TARGET_LIST[@]}]="$targ" fi else if [[ $line == *BROKEN* ]] && ! [[ $line == *GLUON_WLAN_MESH_11s* ]] && ! [ -a "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" ]; then break fi fi done < "$EXECDIR/../targets/targets.mk" } if ! git -C "$EXECDIR"/.. rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | grep -q "$GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH"; then echo "no gluon repo found or wrong branch. Please clone this git repository into the gluon git repository" exit 1 fi case "$1" in "patch") patch_gluon ;; "clean_patches") clean_patches ;; "update_patches") update_patches ;; "prepare") case "$2" in # "fastd") # prepare_precondition # if ! [ -f "$EXECDIR/.patched" ]; then # patch_gluon # fi # prepare_siteconf "$2" # prepare_sitemk "$2" # make -C "$EXECDIR"/.. update # echo "$2" > "$EXECDIR/.prepare" # ;; "l2tp") prepare_precondition if ! [ -f "$EXECDIR/.patched" ]; then patch_gluon fi prepare_siteconf "$2" prepare_sitemk "$2" make -C "$EXECDIR/.." update echo "$2" > "$EXECDIR/.prepare" ;; "GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH") if [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "$3" > "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH" else echo "$2 needs a parameter e.g. testing" fi ;; "GLUON_RELEASE") if [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "$3" > "$EXECDIR/.GLUON_RELEASE" else echo "$2 needs a parameter e.g. 20170104" fi ;; "BROKEN") if [ "$3" == "y" ]; then touch "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" elif [ "$3" == "n" ]; then if [ -a "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" ]; then rm "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" fi else echo "$2 needs the parameter: y or n" fi ;; *) help_print ;; esac ;; "build") if ! [ -r "$EXECDIR"/.prepare ]; then echo "please run the prepare mode first" exit 1 fi get_target_list case "$2" in "target_list") for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do if [ "$3" == "fast" ]; then if [ "$4" == "silent" ]; then gluon_build "$targ" "fast" "silent" else gluon_build "$targ" "fast" fi else gluon_build "$targ" fi done ;; "all") # "$EXECDIR/$0" prepare fastd # "$EXECDIR/$0" build target_list "fast" "silent" # "$EXECDIR/$0" create_manifest "$EXECDIR/$0" prepare l2tp "$EXECDIR/$0" build target_list "fast" "silent" "$EXECDIR/$0" create_manifest ;; *) err="yes" for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do if [ "$targ" == "$2" ]; then err="no" if [ "$3" == "fast" ]; then gluon_build "$targ" "fast" else gluon_build "$targ" fi fi done if [ "$err" == "yes" ]; then echo "Please use targets from the following list as parameter:" for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do echo "$targ" done fi ;; esac ;; "clean") if ! [ -r "$EXECDIR"/.prepare ]; then echo "please run the prepare mode first" exit 1 fi get_target_list case "$2" in "all") for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do if [ "$3" == "fast" ]; then gluon_clean "$targ" "fast" else gluon_clean "$targ" fi done ;; *) err="yes" for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do if [ "$targ" == "$2" ]; then err="no" if [ "$3" == "fast" ]; then gluon_clean "$targ" "fast" else gluon_clean "$targ" fi fi done if [ "$err" == "yes" ]; then echo "Please use targets from the following list as parameter:" for targ in "${TARGET_LIST[@]}"; do echo "$targ" done fi ;; esac ;; "create_manifest") if ! [ -r "$EXECDIR"/.prepare ]; then echo "please run the prepare mode first" exit 1 fi preflags=(-C "$EXECDIR"/..) midflags=() postflags=( GLUON_IMAGEDIR=output/images/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)"/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)" GLUON_PACKAGEDIR=output/packages/"$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)") if [ -a "$EXECDIR/.BROKEN" ]; then midflags=("${midflags[@]}" BROKEN=1) fi; make "${preflags[@]}" manifest "${midflags[@]}" "${postflags[@]}" # create rc branch manifest if [ -f "$EXECDIR/../output/images/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)/sysupgrade/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH).manifest" ]; then cp "$EXECDIR/../output/images/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)/sysupgrade/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_AUTOUPDATER_BRANCH).manifest" "$EXECDIR/../output/images/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)/sysupgrade/rc.manifest" sed -i 's/BRANCH=stable/BRANCH=rc/g' "$EXECDIR/../output/images/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.prepare)/$(cat "$EXECDIR"/.GLUON_RELEASE)/sysupgrade/rc.manifest" fi; ;; *) help_print ;; esac