diff --git a/configurator/Makefile b/configurator/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9f642a86ddb02f066cd7fed83830c1a55285e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configurator/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
+define Package/ffol-configurator
+  SECTION:=daemon
+  CATEGORY:=Freifunk Oldenburg
+  TITLE:=Registers node on netmon
+define Package/ffol-configurator/description
+	Registers node on netmon
+define Build/Prepare
+	mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
+define Build/Configure
+define Build/Compile
+define Package/ffol-configurator/install
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/gluon/cron/
+	$(INSTALL_DATA) files/lib/gluon/cron/configurator $(1)/lib/gluon/cron/configurator
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/ffol/configurator/
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) files/lib/ffol/configurator/configurator.sh $(1)/lib/ffol/configurator/
+	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/config/
+	$(INSTALL_CONF) files/configurator.config $(1)/etc/config/configurator
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,ffol-configurator))
diff --git a/configurator/files/configurator.config b/configurator/files/configurator.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a3cbfd2a561ac5ed5cc1b2067a4dfa5cf148c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configurator/files/configurator.config
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+config 'script'
+	option 'error_level' '0'
+	option 'logfile' '/var/log/configurator.log'
+	option 'version' '1'
+	option 'sync_hostname' '1'
+config 'api'
+	option 'ipv4_address' '1'
+	option 'ipv6_interface' 'br-client'
+	option 'ipv6_address' 'fd74:fdaa:9dc4::1'
+	option 'timeout' '5'
+	option 'retry' '5'
+	option 'api_key' '1'
+config 'crawl'
+	option 'method' 'hash'
+	option 'nickname' '1'
+	option 'password' '1'
+	option 'login_string' '1'
+	option 'router_id' '1'
+	option 'update_hash' '1'
+config 'netmon'
+	option 'autoadd_ipv6_address' '1'
diff --git a/configurator/files/lib/ffol/configurator/configurator.sh b/configurator/files/lib/ffol/configurator/configurator.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2be1e31f1f7bc04a4e868fcbb0030cd4a9b18598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configurator/files/lib/ffol/configurator/configurator.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Netmon Configurator (C) 2010-2012 Freifunk Oldenburg
+# Lizenz: GPL v3
+#Get the configuration from the uci configuration file
+#If it does not exists, then get it from a normal bash file with variables.
+if [ -f /etc/config/configurator ];then
+	API_IPV4_ADRESS=`uci get configurator.@api[0].ipv4_address`
+	API_IPV6_ADRESS=`uci get configurator.@api[0].ipv6_address`
+	API_TIMEOUT=`uci get configurator.@api[0].timeout`
+	API_RETRY=`uci get configurator.@api[0].retry`
+	SCRIPT_VERSION=`uci get configurator.@script[0].version`
+	SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL=`uci get configurator.@script[0].error_level`
+	SCRIPT_LOGFILE=`uci get configurator.@script[0].logfile`
+	SCRIPT_SYNC_HOSTNAME=`uci get configurator.@script[0].sync_hostname`
+	CRAWL_METHOD=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].method`
+	CRAWL_ROUTER_ID=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].router_id`
+	CRAWL_UPDATE_HASH=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].update_hash`
+	CRAWL_NICKNAME=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].nickname`
+	CRAWL_PASSWORD=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].password`
+	AUTOADD_IPV6_ADDRESS=`uci get configurator.@netmon[0].autoadd_ipv6_address`
+	. `dirname $0`/configurator_config
+if [[ $API_IPV4_ADRESS != "1" ]]; then
+	netmon_api=$API_IPV4_ADRESS
+	netmon_api=$API_IPV6_ADRESS
+if [ $SCRIPT_ERROR_LEVEL -gt "1" ]; then
+	err() {
+		echo "$(date) [configurator]: $1" >> $SCRIPT_LOGFILE
+	}
+	err() {
+		:
+	}
+sync_hostname() {
+	err "Syncing hostname"
+	api_return=$(wget -T $API_TIMEOUT -q -O - "http://$netmon_api/api_csv_configurator.php?section=get_hostname&authentificationmethod=$CRAWL_METHOD&nickname=$CRAWL_NICKNAME&password=$CRAWL_PASSWORD&router_auto_update_hash=$CRAWL_UPDATE_HASH&router_id=$CRAWL_ROUTER_ID")
+	ret=${api_return%%,*}
+	if [ "$ret" != "success" ]; then
+		err "Ther was an error fetching the hostname"
+		exit 0
+	elif [ "$ret" = "success" ]; then
+		netmon_hostname=${api_return%,*}
+		netmon_hostname=${netmon_hostname#*,}
+		#check for valid hostname as specified in rfc 1123
+		#see http://stackoverflow.com/a/3824105
+		regex='^([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])'
+		regex=$regex'(\.([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]))*$'
+		if [ ${#netmon_hostname} -le 255 ]; then
+			if echo -n $netmon_hostname | egrep -q "$regex"; then
+				if [ "$netmon_hostname" != "`cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname`" ]; then
+					err "Setting new hostname: $netmon_hostname"
+					uci set system.@system[0].hostname=$netmon_hostname
+					uci commit
+					echo $netmon_hostname > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
+				else
+					err "Hostname is up to date"
+				fi
+			else
+				err "Hostname ist malformed"
+				exit 0
+			fi
+		else
+			err "Hostname exceeds the maximum length of 255 characters"
+			exit 0
+		fi
+	fi
+assign_router() {
+	hostname=`cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname`
+	#Choose right login String
+	#Here maybe a ; to much at the end..??
+	login_strings=$(awk '{ mac=toupper($1); gsub(":", "", mac); printf mac ";" }' /sys/class/net/br-mesh/address /sys/class/net/eth0/address /sys/class/net/ath0/address 2> /dev/null)
+	ergebnis=$(wget -T $API_TIMEOUT -q -O - "http://$netmon_api/api_csv_configurator.php?section=test_login_strings&login_strings=$login_strings")
+	router_auto_assign_login_string=${ergebnis#*;}
+	ergebnis=${ergebnis%;*}
+	if [ "$ergebnis" = "error" ]; then
+		router_auto_assign_login_string=${login_strings%%;*}
+		err "A router with this login string does not exist: $login_strings"
+		err "Using $router_auto_assign_login_string as login string"
+	fi
+	#Try to assign Router with choosen login string
+	ergebnis=$(wget -T $API_TIMEOUT -q -O - "http://$netmon_api/api_csv_configurator.php?section=router_auto_assign&router_auto_assign_login_string=$router_auto_assign_login_string&hostname=$hostname")
+	ret=${ergebnis%%;*}
+	errstr=${ergebnis#*;}
+	errstr=${errstr%%;*}
+	if [ "$ret" != "success" ]; then
+		err "The router has not been assigned to a router in Netmon"
+		err "Failure on router_auto_assign: $errstr. Exiting"
+		exit 0
+	elif [ "$ret" = "success" ]; then
+		update_hash=${ergebnis%;*;*}
+		update_hash=${update_hash##*;}
+		api_key=${ergebnis##*;}
+		#write new config
+		uci set configurator.@crawl[0].router_id=$errstr
+		uci set configurator.@crawl[0].update_hash=$update_hash
+		uci set configurator.@api[0].api_key=$api_key
+		#set also new router id for nodewatcher
+		#uci set nodewatcher.@crawl[0].router_id=$errstr
+		err "The router $errstr has been assigned with a router in Netmon"
+		uci commit
+		CRAWL_METHOD=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].method`
+		CRAWL_ROUTER_ID=$errstr
+		CRAWL_UPDATE_HASH=$update_hash
+		CRAWL_NICKNAME=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].nickname`
+		CRAWL_PASSWORD=`uci get configurator.@crawl[0].password`
+	fi
+autoadd_ipv6_address() {
+	err "Doing IPv6 autoadd"
+	ipv6_link_local_addr=$(ip addr show dev br-mesh scope link | awk '/inet6/{print $2}')
+	ipv6_link_local_netmask=${ipv6_link_local_addr##*/}
+	ipv6_link_local_addr=${ipv6_link_local_addr%%/*}
+	ergebnis=$(wget -T $API_TIMEOUT -q -O - "http://$netmon_api/api_csv_configurator.php?section=autoadd_ipv6_address&authentificationmethod=$CRAWL_METHOD&nickname=$CRAWL_NICKNAME&password=$CRAWL_PASSWORD&router_auto_update_hash=$CRAWL_UPDATE_HASH&router_id=$CRAWL_ROUTER_ID&networkinterface_name=br-mesh&ip=$ipv6_link_local_addr&netmask=$ipv6_link_local_netmask&ipv=6")
+	ret=${ergebnis%%,*}
+	if [ "$ret" = "success" ]; then
+		uci set configurator.@netmon[0].autoadd_ipv6_address='0'
+		uci commit
+		err "The IPv6 address of the router $CRAWL_ROUTER_ID has been added to the router in Netmon"
+		err "IPv6 Autoadd has been disabled cause it is no longer necesarry"
+	else
+		routerid=${ergebnis##*,}
+		if [ "$routerid" == "$CRAWL_ROUTER_ID" ]; then
+			err "The IPv6 address already exists in Netmon on this router. Maybe because of a previos assignment"
+			uci set configurator.@netmon[0].autoadd_ipv6_address='0'
+			uci commit
+			err "IPv6 Autoadd has been disabled cause it is no longer necesarry"
+		else 
+			err "The IPv6 address already exists in Netmon on another router $routerid"
+		fi
+	fi
+if [ $CRAWL_METHOD == "login" ]; then
+	err "Authentification method is: username and passwort"
+elif [ $CRAWL_METHOD == "hash" ]; then
+	err "Authentification method: autoassign and hash"
+	err "Checking if the router is already assigned to a router in Netmon"
+	if [ $CRAWL_UPDATE_HASH == "1" ]; then
+		err "The router is not assigned to a router in Netmon"
+		err "Trying to assign the router"
+		assign_router
+	else
+		err "The router is already assigned to a router in Netmon"
+	fi
+if [[ $AUTOADD_IPV6_ADDRESS = "1" ]]; then
+	autoadd_ipv6_address
+if [[ $SCRIPT_SYNC_HOSTNAME = "1" ]]; then
+	sync_hostname
diff --git a/configurator/files/lib/gluon/cron/configurator b/configurator/files/lib/gluon/cron/configurator
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad3e1dd13cb113742408382c86e6c49aa25802f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configurator/files/lib/gluon/cron/configurator
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*/5 * * * *	sh /lib/ffol/configurator/configurator.sh;