diff --git a/package/network/utils/iw/patches/001-nl80211_h_sync.patch b/package/network/utils/iw/patches/001-nl80211_h_sync.patch
index 5d98281eaefa7c220038d1aacd70890ac246e353..88e47cce82c8e2d36d7dde9d6d06e85ab1e4009b 100644
--- a/package/network/utils/iw/patches/001-nl80211_h_sync.patch
+++ b/package/network/utils/iw/patches/001-nl80211_h_sync.patch
@@ -1,21 +1,305 @@
 --- a/nl80211.h
 +++ b/nl80211.h
-@@ -1937,6 +1937,9 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
+  * @NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN: get scan results
+  * @NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN: trigger a new scan with the given parameters
+  *	%NL80211_ATTR_TX_NO_CCK_RATE is used to decide whether to send the
+- *	probe requests at CCK rate or not. %NL80211_ATTR_MAC can be used to
++ *	probe requests at CCK rate or not. %NL80211_ATTR_BSSID can be used to
+  *	specify a BSSID to scan for; if not included, the wildcard BSSID will
+  *	be used.
+  * @NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS: scan notification (as a reply to
+@@ -600,6 +600,20 @@
+  *
+  * @NL80211_CMD_SET_WDS_PEER: Set the MAC address of the peer on a WDS interface.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_CMD_SET_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST: Configure if this AP should perform
++ *	multicast to unicast conversion. When enabled, all multicast packets
++ *	with ethertype ARP, IPv4 or IPv6 (possibly within an 802.1Q header)
++ *	will be sent out to each station once with the destination (multicast)
++ *	MAC address replaced by the station's MAC address. Note that this may
++ *	break certain expectations of the receiver, e.g. the ability to drop
++ *	unicast IP packets encapsulated in multicast L2 frames, or the ability
++ *	to not send destination unreachable messages in such cases.
++ *	This can only be toggled per BSS. Configure this on an interface of
++ *	type %NL80211_IFTYPE_AP. It applies to all its VLAN interfaces
++ *	(%NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN), except for those in 4addr (WDS) mode.
++ *	If %NL80211_ATTR_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST_ENABLED is not present with this
++ *	command, the feature is disabled.
++ *
+  * @NL80211_CMD_JOIN_MESH: Join a mesh. The mesh ID must be given, and initial
+  *	mesh config parameters may be given.
+  * @NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_MESH: Leave the mesh network -- no special arguments, the
+@@ -874,6 +888,12 @@
+  *	This will contain a %NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MATCH nested attribute and
+  *	%NL80211_ATTR_COOKIE.
+  *
++ * @NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_CONNECT_PARAMS: Update one or more connect parameters
++ *	for subsequent roaming cases if the driver or firmware uses internal
++ *	BSS selection. This command can be issued only while connected and it
++ *	does not result in a change for the current association. Currently,
++ *	only the %NL80211_ATTR_IE data is used and updated with this command.
++ *
+  * @NL80211_CMD_MAX: highest used command number
+  * @__NL80211_CMD_AFTER_LAST: internal use
+  */
+@@ -1069,6 +1089,10 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+ 	/* add new commands above here */
+ 	/* used to define NL80211_CMD_MAX below */
+@@ -1638,8 +1662,16 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	the connection request from a station. nl80211_connect_failed_reason
+  *	enum has different reasons of connection failure.
+  *
+- * @NL80211_ATTR_SAE_DATA: SAE elements in Authentication frames. This starts
+- *	with the Authentication transaction sequence number field.
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_DATA: Fields and elements in Authentication frames.
++ *	This contains the authentication frame body (non-IE and IE data),
++ *	excluding the Authentication algorithm number, i.e., starting at the
++ *	Authentication transaction sequence number field. It is used with
++ *	authentication algorithms that need special fields to be added into
++ *	the frames (SAE and FILS). Currently, only the SAE cases use the
++ *	initial two fields (Authentication transaction sequence number and
++ *	Status code). However, those fields are included in the attribute data
++ *	for all authentication algorithms to keep the attribute definition
++ *	consistent.
+  *
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_VHT_CAPABILITY: VHT Capability information element (from
+  *	association request when used with NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION)
+@@ -1740,7 +1772,9 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_OPMODE_NOTIF: Operating mode field from Operating Mode
+  *	Notification Element based on association request when used with
+- *	%NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION; u8 attribute.
++ *	%NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION or %NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION (only when
++ *	%NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE is supported, or with TDLS);
++ *	u8 attribute.
+  *
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_ID: The vendor ID, either a 24-bit OUI or, if
+  *	%NL80211_VENDOR_ID_IS_LINUX is set, a special Linux ID (not used yet)
+@@ -1788,6 +1822,8 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	and remove functions. NAN notifications will be sent in unicast to that
+  *	socket. Without this attribute, any socket can add functions and the
+  *	notifications will be sent to the %NL80211_MCGRP_NAN multicast group.
++ *	If set during %NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE or %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT the
++ *	station will deauthenticate when the socket is closed.
+  *
+  * @NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_INITIATOR: flag attribute indicating the current end is
+  *	the TDLS link initiator.
+@@ -1936,6 +1972,38 @@ enum nl80211_commands {
+  *	attribute.
   * @NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MATCH: used to report a match. This is a nested attribute.
   *	See &enum nl80211_nan_match_attributes.
-  *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_FILS_KEK: KEK for FILS (Re)Association Request/Response frame
++ *	protection.
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_FILS_NONCES: Nonces (part of AAD) for FILS (Re)Association
++ *	Request/Response frame protection. This attribute contains the 16 octet
++ *	STA Nonce followed by 16 octets of AP Nonce.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST_ENABLED: Indicates whether or not multicast
++ *	packets should be send out as unicast to all stations (flag attribute).
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_BSSID: The BSSID of the AP. Note that %NL80211_ATTR_MAC is also
++ *	used in various commands/events for specifying the BSSID.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI: Relative RSSI threshold by which
++ *	other BSSs has to be better or slightly worse than the current
++ *	connected BSS so that they get reported to user space.
++ *	This will give an opportunity to userspace to consider connecting to
++ *	other matching BSSs which have better or slightly worse RSSI than
++ *	the current connected BSS by using an offloaded operation to avoid
++ *	unnecessary wakeups.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RSSI_ADJUST: When present the RSSI level for BSSs in
++ *	the specified band is to be adjusted before doing
++ *	%NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI based comparision to figure out
++ *	better BSSs. The attribute value is a packed structure
++ *	value as specified by &struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust.
++ *
++ * @NL80211_ATTR_TIMEOUT_REASON: The reason for which an operation timed out.
++ *	u32 attribute with an &enum nl80211_timeout_reason value. This is used,
++ *	e.g., with %NL80211_CMD_CONNECT event.
++ *
 + * @NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_GAIN: Configured antenna gain. Used to reduce
 + *	transmit power to stay within regulatory limits. u32, dBi.
-+ *
+  *
   * @NUM_NL80211_ATTR: total number of nl80211_attrs available
   * @NL80211_ATTR_MAX: highest attribute number currently defined
-  * @__NL80211_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use
-@@ -2336,6 +2339,8 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+@@ -2195,7 +2263,7 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
+@@ -2336,6 +2404,20 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
++	NL80211_ATTR_BSSID,
  	/* add attributes here, update the policy in nl80211.c */
+@@ -2347,6 +2429,7 @@ enum nl80211_attrs {
++#define NL80211_ATTR_SAE_DATA NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_DATA
+ /*
+  * Allow user space programs to use #ifdef on new attributes by defining them
+@@ -3027,6 +3110,13 @@ enum nl80211_reg_rule_attr {
+  *	how this API was implemented in the past. Also, due to the same problem,
+  *	the only way to create a matchset with only an RSSI filter (with this
+  *	attribute) is if there's only a single matchset with the RSSI attribute.
++ * @NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RELATIVE_RSSI: Flag indicating whether
++ *	%NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI to be used as absolute RSSI or
++ *	relative to current bss's RSSI.
++ * @NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI_ADJUST: When present the RSSI level for
++ *	BSS-es in the specified band is to be adjusted before doing
++ *	RSSI-based BSS selection. The attribute value is a packed structure
++ *	value as specified by &struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust.
+  * @NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_MAX: highest scheduled scan filter
+  *	attribute number currently defined
+  * @__NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_AFTER_LAST: internal use
+@@ -3036,6 +3126,8 @@ enum nl80211_sched_scan_match_attr {
+ 	/* keep last */
+@@ -3660,6 +3752,9 @@ enum nl80211_bss_status {
+  * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FT: Fast BSS Transition (IEEE 802.11r)
+  * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_NETWORK_EAP: Network EAP (some Cisco APs and mainly LEAP)
+  * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SAE: Simultaneous authentication of equals
++ * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK: Fast Initial Link Setup shared key
++ * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK_PFS: Fast Initial Link Setup shared key with PFS
++ * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_PK: Fast Initial Link Setup public key
+  * @__NL80211_AUTHTYPE_NUM: internal
+  * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_MAX: maximum valid auth algorithm
+  * @NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC: determine automatically (if necessary by
+@@ -3672,6 +3767,9 @@ enum nl80211_auth_type {
+ 	/* keep last */
+ 	__NL80211_AUTHTYPE_NUM,
+@@ -4280,6 +4378,9 @@ enum nl80211_iface_limit_attrs {
+  *	of supported channel widths for radar detection.
+  * @NL80211_IFACE_COMB_RADAR_DETECT_REGIONS: u32 attribute containing the bitmap
+  *	of supported regulatory regions for radar detection.
++ * @NL80211_IFACE_COMB_BI_MIN_GCD: u32 attribute specifying the minimum GCD of
++ *	different beacon intervals supported by all the interface combinations
++ *	in this group (if not present, all beacon intervals be identical).
+  * @NUM_NL80211_IFACE_COMB: number of attributes
+  * @MAX_NL80211_IFACE_COMB: highest attribute number
+  *
+@@ -4287,8 +4388,8 @@ enum nl80211_iface_limit_attrs {
+  *	limits = [ #{STA} <= 1, #{AP} <= 1 ], matching BI, channels = 1, max = 2
+  *	=> allows an AP and a STA that must match BIs
+  *
+- *	numbers = [ #{AP, P2P-GO} <= 8 ], channels = 1, max = 8
+- *	=> allows 8 of AP/GO
++ *	numbers = [ #{AP, P2P-GO} <= 8 ], BI min gcd, channels = 1, max = 8,
++ *	=> allows 8 of AP/GO that can have BI gcd >= min gcd
+  *
+  *	numbers = [ #{STA} <= 2 ], channels = 2, max = 2
+  *	=> allows two STAs on different channels
+@@ -4314,6 +4415,7 @@ enum nl80211_if_combination_attrs {
+ 	/* keep last */
+@@ -4634,6 +4736,15 @@ enum nl80211_feature_flags {
+  *	configuration (AP/mesh) with HT rates.
+  * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_VHT: Driver supports beacon rate
+  *	configuration (AP/mesh) with VHT rates.
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_STA: This driver supports Fast Initial Link Setup
++ *	with user space SME (NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE) in station mode.
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA: This driver supports randomized TA
++ *	in @NL80211_CMD_FRAME while not associated.
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA_CONNECTED: This driver supports
++ *	randomized TA in @NL80211_CMD_FRAME while associated.
++ * @NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI: The driver supports sched_scan
++ *	for reporting BSSs with better RSSI than the current connected BSS
+  *
+  * @NUM_NL80211_EXT_FEATURES: number of extended features.
+  * @MAX_NL80211_EXT_FEATURES: highest extended feature index.
+@@ -4648,6 +4759,10 @@ enum nl80211_ext_feature_index {
+ 	/* add new features before the definition below */
+@@ -4687,6 +4802,21 @@ enum nl80211_connect_failed_reason {
+ };
+ /**
++ * enum nl80211_timeout_reason - timeout reasons
++ *
++ * @NL80211_TIMEOUT_UNSPECIFIED: Timeout reason unspecified.
++ * @NL80211_TIMEOUT_SCAN: Scan (AP discovery) timed out.
++ * @NL80211_TIMEOUT_AUTH: Authentication timed out.
++ * @NL80211_TIMEOUT_ASSOC: Association timed out.
++ */
++enum nl80211_timeout_reason {
+  * enum nl80211_scan_flags -  scan request control flags
+  *
+  * Scan request control flags are used to control the handling
+@@ -4900,8 +5030,9 @@ enum nl80211_sched_scan_plan {
+ /**
+  * struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust - RSSI adjustment parameters.
+  *
+- * @band: band of BSS that must match for RSSI value adjustment.
+- * @delta: value used to adjust the RSSI value of matching BSS.
++ * @band: band of BSS that must match for RSSI value adjustment. The value
++ *	of this field is according to &enum nl80211_band.
++ * @delta: value used to adjust the RSSI value of matching BSS in dB.
+  */
+ struct nl80211_bss_select_rssi_adjust {
+ 	__u8 band;